How our tax system penalises families today

Is an average family more fairly taxed now than they were in 1974? Taxation and the Family: Restoring Balance and…


The Iona BlogMore Blogs

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Last week, a publisher issued an apology for the stereotypical portrayal of an Irish family in a textbook. The volume, which was withdrawn following public outrage, was produced for the new Junior Cycle course on Social, Personal, and Health Education...


The Department of Education is to survey parents to find out what, if any changes, they want made to the school system. This will include asking them what kind of ethos they wish schools to have, including a religious one....


The Department of Education has published it new specifications for the Social, Personal, and Health Education (SPHE) for Senior Cycle. It will become mandatory from September 2027 and includes Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).  Quite apart from what’s in the...


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Irish Government imposed the longest ban on public worship in Europe, while in Northern Ireland restrictions were less drastic. A new academic study says that religious institutions and media outlets largely supported these measures, with...


A new poll highlights significant public concerns about the potential legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide in the UK. It also highlights contradictory attitudes. There is broad support for allowing the procedures but nervousness about how it may work out....


Ireland has recently passed one of the most permissive surrogacy law in Europe. To appreciate how extreme this law is, it can be compared with what is in the report issued last year by the Law Commission of England and...


In The News

Health Minister wants state to buy contraceptives for 16-year-old girls

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly is pushing to expand a state-paid “free” contraception scheme to 16-year-olds as part of Budget 2025, even though the age of consent is 17. It comes…


‘Europe and the Faith’: a talk by Prof Richard Rex

Professor Richard Rex of Queens’ College, Cambridge, addressed The Iona Institute and the Notre Dame Newman Centre for Faith and…
